
leo_pod_manager can manage worker pools in the pod.

Behaviours: `gen_server <gen_server.html>`__.



leo_pod_manager can manage worker pools in the pod

Function Index

checkin/2 Check in a worker to the woker pool.
checkin_async/2 Check in a worker to the worker pool with asynchronous.
checkout/1 Check out a worker from the worker pool.
close/1 Retrieve pids of specified PodName.
code_change/3 gen_server callback - Module:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState} | {error, Reason}.
handle_call/3 gen_server callback - Module:handle_call(Request, From, State) -> Result.
handle_cast/2 gen_server callback - Module:handle_cast(Request, State) -> Result.
handle_info/2 gen_server callback - Module:handle_info(Info, State) -> Result.
init/1 gen_server callback - Module:init(Args) -> Result.
pool_pids/1 Retrieve pids of specified PodName.
raw_status/1 Retrieve a raw status of specified PodName.
start_link/6 Initialize a wooker pool.
status/1 Retrieve the current status in pretty format as follows: format: { working_process_count, worker_process_count, overflow_count }.
stop/1 Stop the worker pool.
terminate/2 gen_server callback - Module:terminate(Reason, State).

Function Details


checkin(PodName, WorkerPid) -> ok | {error, any()}

  • PodName = atom()
  • WorkerPid = pid()

Check in a worker to the woker pool


checkin_async(PodName, WorkerPid) -> ok

  • PodName = atom()
  • WorkerPid = pid()

Check in a worker to the worker pool with asynchronous


checkout(PodName) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, empty}

  • PodName = atom()

Check out a worker from the worker pool


close(PodName) -> ok | {error, any()}

  • PodName = atom()

Retrieve pids of specified PodName


code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState} | {error, Reason}

Description: Convert process state when code is changed


handle_call(X1, From, State) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:handle_call(Request, From, State) -> Result


handle_cast(X1, State) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:handle_cast(Request, State) -> Result


handle_info(Info, State) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:handle_info(Info, State) -> Result


init(X1) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:init(Args) -> Result


pool_pids(PodName) -> {ok, [pid()]} | {error, any()}

  • PodName = atom()

Retrieve pids of specified PodName


raw_status(PodName) -> {ok, [tuple()]} | {error, any()}

  • PodName = atom()

Retrieve a raw status of specified PodName


status(PodName) -> {ok, {NumOfWorking, NumOfWating, NumOfRoomForOverflow}}

  • PodName = atom()
  • NumOfWorking = non_neg_integer()
  • NumOfWating = non_neg_integer()
  • NumOfRoomForOverflow = non_neg_integer()

Retrieve the current status in pretty format as follows: format: { working_process_count, worker_process_count, overflow_count }


stop(PodName) -> ok | {error, any()}

  • PodName = atom()

Stop the worker pool


terminate(Reason, State) -> any()

gen_server callback - Module:terminate(Reason, State)

Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason. The return value is ignored.