Firewall Rules

In order for LeoFS to work correctly, it is necessary to set and check the firewall rules in your environment as follows:

Subsystem Direction Ports Notes
LeoFS Manager-Master Incoming 10010/* Manager console
LeoFS Manager-Master Incoming 4369/* Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Manager-Master Incoming 4020/* SNMP Listen Port
LeoFS Manager-Master Outgoing */4369 Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Manager-Slave Incoming 10011/* Manager console
LeoFS Manager-Slave Incoming 4369/* Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Manager-Slave Incoming 4021/* SNMP Listen Port
LeoFS Manager-Slave Outgoing */4369 Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Storage Incoming 4369/* Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Storage Incoming 4010/* SNMP Listen Port
LeoFS Storage Outgoing */4369 Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Gateway Incoming 8080/* HTTP listen port
LeoFS Gateway Incoming 8443/* HTTPS listen port
LeoFS Gateway Incoming 4369/* Erlang Port Mapper
LeoFS Gateway Incoming 4000/* SNMP Listen Port
LeoFS Gateway Outgoing */4369 Erlang Port Mapper
ALL Both [1] Erlang RPC to others
[1]Port range can be specified by setting the kernel variables ‘inet_dist_listen_min’ AND ‘inet_dist_listen_max’


%%% This forces Erlang to use only ports 9100--9105 for distributed Erlang traffic.
application:set_env(kernel, inet_dist_listen_min, 9100).
application:set_env(kernel, inet_dist_listen_max, 9105).