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LeoGateway Settings

Prior Knowledge

LeoGateway is a multi-protocols storage proxy, which supports REST-API over HTTP, Amazon S3-API1 and NFS v32. LeoGateway provides the object cache feature to handle requests efficiently and to keep the high performance of your storage system.

Other Configurations

If you want to customize settings like where to place leo_gateway.conf, what user is starting a LeoGateway process and so on, refer For Administrators / Settings / Environment Configuration for more information.


LeoGateway Configurations

Item Description
LeoManager Nodes
managers Name of LeoManager nodes. This configuration is necessary for communicating with LeoManager's master and LeoManager's slave.

( Default: [[email protected], [email protected]] )

LeoGateway Basic
protocol Gateway Protocol - [s3/rest/embed/nfs]

( Default: s3 )

HTTP Related (S3/REST)
http.port Port number the Gateway uses for HTTP connections

( Default: 8080 )

http.num_of_acceptors Numbers of processes listening for connections

( Default: 128 )

http.max_keepalive Maximum number of requests allowed in a single keep-alive session

( Default: 4096 )

http.layer_of_dirs Maximum number of virtual directory levels

( Default: 12 )

http.ssl_port Port number the Gateway uses for HTTPS connections

( Default: 8443 )

http.ssl_certfile SSL Certificate file

( Default: ./etc/server_cert.pem )

http.ssl_keyfile SSL key file

( Default: ./etc/server_key.pem )

http.headers_config_file HTTP custom header configuration file

( Default: ./etc/http_custom_header.conf )

http.timeout_for_header HTTP timeout for reading header

( Default: 5000, Unit: msec)

http.timeout_for_body HTTP timeout for reading body

( Default: 15000, Unit: msec)

http.is_compatible_with_s3_content_type Whether or not the way to handle Content-Type header is compatible with aws-s3

( Default: false )

Bucket Related
bucket_prop_sync_interval Synchronization Interval of Bucket Properties

( Default: 300, Unit: sec )

NFS-related configurations
nfs.mountd.port Mountd’s port number

( Default: 22050 )

nfs.mountd.acceptors Mountd’s the number of acceptors

( Default: 128 )

nfs.nfsd.port NFSd’s port number

( Default: 2049 )

nfs.nfsd.acceptors NFSd’s the number of acceptors

( Default: 128 )

Large object processing configuration
large_object.max_chunked_objs Maximum number of chunked objects

( Default: 1000 )

large_object.chunked_obj_len Length of a chunked object. This value must be >= large_object.reading_chunked_obj_len

( Default: 5242880, Unit: byte )

large_object.threshold_of_chunk_len Threshold when object is chunked

( Default: 5767168, Unit: byte )

large_object.reading_chunked_obj_len Read length of a chunked object. This value must be <= large_object.chunked_obj_len

( Default: 5242880, Unit: byte )

Cache configuration
cache.http_cache Enable HTTP-Cache mode, working like Varnish/Squid. Otherwise as Object Cache

( Default: false )

cache.cache_workers Number of cache workers

( Default: 16 )

cache.cache_ram_capacity Memory Cache Capacity, divide across workers. This has to satisfy (8 * 1024 * 1024) * cache.cache_workers >= cache.cache_ram_capacity

( Default: 268435456, Unit: byte )

cache.cache_disc_capacity Disk Cache Capacity, divide across workers. This has to satisfy (8 * 1024 * 1024) * cache.cache_workers >= cache.cache_disc_capacity

( Default: 524288000, Unit: byte )

cache.cache_disc_threshold_len Threshold when object is stored in disk cache

( Default: 1048576, Unit: byte )

cache.cache_disc_dir_data Directory for disk cache data

( Default: ./cache/data )

cache.cache_disc_dir_journal Directory for disk cache journal

( Default: ./cache/journal )

HTTP-Cache related
cache.cache_expire Cache expiry time

( Default: 300, Unit: sec)

cache.cache_max_content_len Maximum length of cached object

( Default: 1048576, Unit: byte )

cache.cachable_content_type Object types to be cached
cache.cachable_path_pattern Path pattern(s) to be cached (regular expression)
Watchdog / REX
watchdog.rex.is_enabled Enables or disables the rex-watchdog which monitors the memory usage of Erlangs RPC component.

( Default: true )

watchdog.rex.interval An interval of executing the watchdog processing

( Default: 10, Unit: sec )

Watchdog / CPU
watchdog.cpu.is_enabled Enables or disables the CPU-watchdog which monitors both CPU load average and CPU utilization

( Default: false )

watchdog.cpu.raised_error_times Times of raising error to a client

( Default: 5 )

watchdog.cpu.interval An interval of executing the watchdog processing

( Default: 10, Unit: sec )

watchdog.cpu.threshold_cpu_load_avg Threshold of CPU load average

( Default: 5.0 )

watchdog.cpu.threshold_cpu_util Threshold of CPU utilization

( Default: 100 )

Watchdog / IO (Erlang VM Internal Traffic) Enables or disables the IO-watchdog which monitors the Erlang VM Internal Traffic

( Default: false ) Watchdog interval

( Default: 1, Unit: sec ) Threshold input per second

( Default: 134217728, Unit: byte ) Threshold output per second

( Default: 134217728, Unit: byte )

timeout.level_1 Timeout when put object to LeoStorage (~65536 bytes)

( Default: 5000, Unit: msec )

timeout.level_2 Timeout when put object to LeoStorage (~131071 bytes)

( Default: 7000, Unit: msec )

timeout.level_3 Timeout when put object to LeoStorage (~524287 bytes)

( Default: 10000, Unit: msec )

timeout.level_4 Timeout when put object to LeoStorage (~1048576 bytes)

( Default: 20000, Unit: msec )

timeout.level_5 Timeout when put object to LeoStorage (1048576~ bytes)

( Default: 30000, Unit: msec )

timeout.get Timeout when get object from LeoStorage

( Default: 30000, Unit: msec ) Timeout when list object from LeoStorage

( Default: 30000, Unit: msec )

log.log_level Log level:
  • 0:debug
  • 1:info
  • 2:warn
  • 3:error

( Default: 1 )

log.is_enable_access_log Enables or disables the access-log feature

( Default: false )

log.erlang Destination of log file(s) of Erlang's log

( Default: ./log/erlang ) Destination of log file(s) of LeoStorage

( Default: ./log/app )

log.member_dir Destination of log file(s) of members of storage-cluster

( Default: ./log/ring )

log.ring_dir Destination of log file(s) of RING

( Default: ./log/ring )

Other Directories Settings
queue_dir Directory of queue for monitoring "RING"

( Default: ./work/queue )

snmp_agent Directory of SNMP agent configuration

( Default: ./snmp/snmpa_gateway_0/LEO-GATEWAY )

Item Description
nodename The format of the node name is <NAME>@<IP-ADDRESS>, which must be unique always in a LeoFS system

( Default: [email protected] )

distributed_cookie Sets the magic cookie of the node to Cookie.

- See also: Distributed Erlang

( Default: 401321b4 )

erlang.kernel_poll Kernel poll reduces LeoFS' CPU usage when it has hundreds (or more) network connections.

( Default: true )

erlang.asyc_threads The total number of Erlang aynch threads

( Default: 32 )

erlang.max_ports The max_ports sets the default value of maximum number of ports.

- See also: Erlang erlang:open_port/2

( Default: 64000 )

erlang.crash_dump The output destination of an Erlang crash dump

( Default: ./log/erl_crash.dump )

erlang.max_ets_tables The maxinum number of Erlagn ETS tables

( Default: 256000 )

erlang.smp -smp enable and -smp start the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled.

( Default: enable )

erlang.schedulers.compaction_of_load Enables or disables scheduler compaction of load. If it's enabled, the Erlang VM will attempt to fully load as many scheduler threads as mush as possible.

( Default: true )

erlang.schedulers.utilization_balancing Enables or disables scheduler utilization balancing of load. By default scheduler utilization balancing is disabled and instead scheduler compaction of load is enabled, which strives for a load distribution that causes as many scheduler threads as possible to be fully loaded (that is, not run out of work).

( Default: false )

erlang.distribution_buffer_size Sender-side network distribution buffer size (unit: KB)

( Default: 32768 )

erlang.fullsweep_after Option fullsweep_after makes it possible to specify the maximum number of generational collections before forcing a fullsweep, even if there is room on the old heap. Setting the number to zero disables the general collection algorithm, that is, all live data is copied at every garbage collection.

( Default: 0 )

erlang.secio Enables or disables eager check I/O scheduling. The flag effects when schedulers will check for I/O operations possible to execute, and when such I/O operations will execute.

( Default: true )

process_limit The maxinum number of Erlang processes. Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing processes for this system if a Number is passed as value. Valid range for Number is [1024-134217727]

( Default: 1048576 )

Notes and Tips of the Configuration

Uploading Objects

LeoFS has two options for uploading objects:

Upload objects in a single operation

You can upload objects up to 5 GB in size with a single PUT operation. If you would like to change the limit, you need to modify one of the following settings or both of your LeoGateway's configuration, leo_gateway.conf:

  • large_object.max_chunked_objs (default: 1000)
  • large_object.chunked_obj_len (default: 5242880, Unit: byte)
Upload objects in parts

You can upload large objects with using the multipart upload S3-API. You can upload objects in parts. The upper limit of one part is 2 GB.

Cache Consistency between LeoGateway and LeoStorage

LeoGateway's cache feature does not depend on the consistency level of a cluster. There is a possibility of object inconsistency.

LeoGateway requests a storage node to compare a cached object's hash value with its stored object's hash value. LeoGateway selects a LeoStorage's node from RING, a distributed hash table by a target object name, then LeoGateway requests a LeoStorage node of the redundant node. If the requested object is inconsistent in the replicas and LeoGateway cached it, a client may get inconsistent objects.

If you need strong consistency on a LeoFS system, you can disable the cache setting.

cache.cache_ram_capacity = 0
cache.cache_disc_capacity = 0

A total number of directories to store cache files is equal to cache.cache_workers. A maximum size of a cacheable object per a directory has been determined by cache.cache_disc_capacity / cache.cache_workers. If the size of a requested object more than the maximum size, LeoGateway avoids storing the object into the disk cache.

And also, when size of a requested object more than cache.cache_max_content_len, LeoGateway similarly refuses to store the object into the disk cache.

Figure: Disk Cache Limits

Configurations which may affect the cache behavior

Whether or not an object is cached on LeoGateway is determined by below logics.

  • LeoGateway's cache feature is only available to small objects when cache.cache_disc_capacity = 0.
  • An object which size is larger than cache.cache_disc_threshold_len never be cached if cache.cache_disc_capacity = 0.

How LeoGateway's cache feature works with cache related configurations is described below.

  • For small objects
    • Cache happens in both cases handling a PUT request in the write through way and handling a GET in the read through way
    • Being stored into memory if the size of an object < cache.cache_disc_threshold_len
    • Being stored into Disk if the size of an object >= cache.cache_disc_threshold_len
  • For large objects
    • Cache happens ONLY in case handling a GET request in the read through way
    • Being stored into Disk ONLY if disk cache is enabled (cache.cache_disc_capacity > 0)
    • The whole object is written as a file on the host file system during processing a GET request (a chunk level cache is not implemented)