
Setting up basho_bench


$ git clone git://
$ git clone
$ cd basho_bench
$ cp -i ../leofs/test/src/*.erl src/
$ cp -i ../leofs/test/include/*.hrl include/
$ make all

Preparations before testing

Create a test bucket


After starting LeoFS, you need to create a bucket on “manager-console” that will be used for testing. In this example, the bucket name is test. It is owned by the user _test_leofs that is already registered internally by LeoFS.

$ leofs-adm add-endpoint <gateway-ip-address>

$ leofs-adm add-bucket test 05236

$ leofs-adm get-buckets
bucket   | owner       | created at
test     | _test_leofs | 2013-02-27 14:06:54 +0900

$ leofs-adm update-acl test 05236 public-read

Configuration file for basho_bench


{mode,      max}.
{duration,   10}.
{concurrent, 50}.

{driver, basho_bench_driver_leofs}.
{code_paths, ["deps/ibrowse"]}.

{http_raw_ips, ["${HOST_NAME_OF_LEOFS_GATEWAY}"]}.
{http_raw_port, 8080}.
{http_raw_path, "/test"}.
%% {http_raw_path, "/${BUCKET}"}.

{key_generator,   {partitioned_sequential_int, 1000000}}.
{value_generator, {fixed_bin, 16384}}. %% 16KB
{operations, [{put,1}]}.               %% PUT:100%
%%{operations, [{put,1}, {get, 4}]}.   %% PUT:20%, GET:80%

{check_integrity, false}.


Key Value
http_raw_ips The LeoFS Gateway nodes we want to benchmark
http_raw_port The port used by the LeoFS Gateway nodes
http_raw_path URL path prefix. The first path segment MUST be a BUCKET name
check_integrity (default:false)

Check integrity of registered object - compare an original MD5 with a retrieved object’s MD5

(Only for developers)

Running basho_bench(1)


In this example, LeoFS and basho_bench are installed locally.

  • The following commands can be used to run basho_bench.
### Loading 1M records of size 16KB
cd basho_bench
./basho_bench ../leofs/test/conf/leofs_16K_LOAD1M.config

Running basho_bench(2)


In this example, LeoFS and basho_bench are installed on different hosts.

Configure the endpoint on LeoFS-Manager console

  • Allows basho_bench’s requests to reach ${HOST_NAME_OF_LEOFS_GATEWAY}.
$ leofs-adm add-endpoint <host-name-of-leofs-gateway>

$ leofs-adm get-endpoints
endpoint                      | created at
localhost                     | 2013-03-01 00:14:04 +0000              | 2013-03-01 00:14:04 +0000
${HOST_NAME_OF_LEOFS_GATEWAY} | 2013-03-01 00:14:04 +0000

Edit the benchmark’s configuration file

  • You need to modify the values for http_raw_ips and http_raw_port
{mode,      max}.
{duration,   10}.
{concurrent, 50}.

{driver, basho_bench_driver_leofs}.
{code_paths, ["deps/ibrowse"]}.

{http_raw_ips, ["${HOST_NAME_OF_LEOFS_GATEWAY}"]}. %% able to set plural nodes
{http_raw_port, ${PORT}}. %% default: 8080
{http_raw_path, "/test"}.
%% {http_raw_path, "/${BUCKET}"}.

{key_generator,   {partitioned_sequential_int, 1000000}}.
{value_generator, {fixed_bin, 16384}}. %% 16KB
{operations, [{put,1}]}.               %% PUT:100%
%%{operations, [{put,1}, {get, 4}]}.   %% PUT:20%, GET:80%

{check_integrity, false}.

Running basho_bench

### Loading 1M records each size is 16KB
cd basho_bench
./basho_bench ../leofs/test/conf/leofs_16K_LOAD1M.config