LeoFS Frequently Asked QuestionsΒΆ
- FAQ: LeoFS Fundamentals
- FAQ: LeoFS Limits
- FAQ: LeoFS Administration
- Where can I get the packages for LeoFS?
- How can I run my LeoFS cluster automatically?
- How do multiple users login into LeoFS Manager’s console at the same time?
- The result of the du command can be different with the actual disk-usage
- When issueing the recover node command the LeoFS can get into high load
- What should I do when Too many processes errors happen?
- Why does starting a leo_storage using bitcask as metadata take too much time?
- How do I set “a number of containers” at LeoFS Storage configuration?
- leo_storage can not start due to “enif_send_failed on non smp vm”
- Why is the speed of rebalance/recover command too slow?
- How to run LeoFS on docker container?
- Why does LeoFS’s SNMP I/F give me wrong values(0) instead of correct values?
- When adding a new storage node, that node doesn’t appear with leofs-adm status Why?