Benchmark results of LeoFS v0.14.0
Apr 18, 2013
We made benchmarks for LeoFS v0.14.0 on Apr 12th, 2013. Regrading test-environment is as follows. We used typical spec of servers and CentOS 6.3. Also, LeoFS’s consistency level was the same as production settings.
Test Environment
Item |
Value |
Hardware |
8-core |
16GB |
7200rpm (Capacity:1TB) |
Network |
10Gbps ethernet |
OS/Middleware |
OS |
Linux 2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.x86_64 |
Erlang |
Erlang R15B03-1 (erts- |
LeoFS Cluster |
# of Benchmarker |
1 |
# of LeoFS-Manager |
1 |
# of LeoFS-Gateway |
2 |
# of LeoFS-Storage |
5 |
Consistency Level |
# of replicas |
3 |
# of successful WRITE |
2 |
# of successful GET |
1 |
Prerequirements |
# of loaded objects |
100,000 |
Stress Tool Settings (basho_bench’s configuration file) |
R:8 W:2, “exponential_bin” |
Test Results
Test results is as follows. From each benchmark, we found the bottle-neck was disc I/O. Also, retrieving of small file size (average 128KB) has the room for an improvement. So We have been improving Leo's object-cache lib from this week.
Detail benchmark configuration for average of 128KB (file size)
Item |
Value |
Mode |
Max |
Duration |
1,000 sec |
# of concurrents |
64 |
Driver |
basho_bench_driver_leofs |
Misc |
http_raw_request_timeout |
30,000ms (30sec) |
value_generator_source_size |
4,194,304 bytes |
key_generator |
partitioned_sequential_int: 100,000 |
value_generator |
exponential_bin: min-size:16,384 bytes, avg-size:524,288 bytes |
operations |
READ : WRITE = 80% : 20% |
Detail benchmark configuration for average of 1MB (file size)
Item |
Value |
Mode |
Max |
Duration |
1,000 sec |
# of concurrents |
64 |
Driver |
basho_bench_driver_leofs |
Misc |
http_raw_request_timeout |
30,000ms (30sec) |
value_generator_source_size |
4,194,304 bytes |
key_generator |
partitioned_sequential_int, 100,000 |
value_generator |
exponential_bin: min-size:16,384 bytes, avg-size:1,048,576 bytes |
operations |
READ : WRITE = 80% : 20% |