System Maintenance

Upgrade your old version LeoFS to v1.3.1

This section describes the way of replacement of old LeoFS to v1.3.1

Upgrade flow diagram



If you’re using LeoFS v1.0.0-pre1, v0.16 or v0.14, you need to take over the configuration of metadata-storage as follows because the default configuration is leveldb from v1.0.0-pre2. We provide the db-converter tool - from bitcask to leveldb which is leofs_utils/tools/b2l.

Takeover a part of confugurations

Item Default value
leo_object_storage.metadata_storage bitcask

Adjust Every Path

  • LeoFS Manager: [mnesia, log-dir and queue-dir]
## Mnesia dir
mnesia.dir = ./work/mnesia/{IP}
## Log level: [0:debug, 1:info, 2:warn, 3:error]
log.log_level = 1
## Output log file(s) - Erlang's log
log.erlang = ./log/erlang
## Output log file(s) - app = ./log/app
## Output log file(s) - members of storage-cluster
log.member_dir = ./log/ring
## Output log file(s) - ring
log.ring_dir = ./log/ring

## Directory of queue for monitoring "RING"
queue_dir = ./work/queue
## Directory of SNMP agent configuration
snmp_agent = ./snmp/snmpa_manager_0/LEO-MANAGER
  • LeoFS Storage: [obj_containers, log-dir and queue-dir]
## Object container
obj_containers.path = [./avs]
obj_containers.num_of_containers = [8]

## e.g. Case of plural pathes
## obj_containers.path = [/var/leofs/avs/1, /var/leofs/avs/2]
## obj_containers.num_of_containers = [32, 64]
## Log level: [0:debug, 1:info, 2:warn, 3:error]
log.log_level = 1
## Output log file(s) - Erlang's log
log.erlang = ./log/erlang
## Output log file(s) - app = ./log/app
## Output log file(s) - members of storage-cluster
log.member_dir = ./log/ring
## Output log file(s) - ring
log.ring_dir = ./log/ring

## Directory of queue for monitoring "RING"
queue_dir = ./work/queue
## Directory of SNMP agent configuration
snmp_agent = ./snmp/snmpa_storage_0/LEO-STORAGE
  • LeoFS Gateway: [SSL-related files, cache-related pathes, log-dir and queue-dir]
## SSL Certificate file
http.ssl_certfile = ./etc/server_cert.pem
## SSL key
http.ssl_keyfile  = ./etc/server_key.pem

## Directory for the disk cache data
cache.cache_disc_dir_data    = ./cache/data
## Directory for the disk cache journal
cache.cache_disc_dir_journal = ./cache/journal
## Log level: [0:debug, 1:info, 2:warn, 3:error]
log.log_level = 1
## Output log file(s) - Erlang's log
log.erlang = ./log/erlang
## Output log file(s) - app = ./log/app
## Output log file(s) - members of storage-cluster
log.member_dir = ./log/ring
## Output log file(s) - ring
log.ring_dir = ./log/ring

## Directory of queue for monitoring "RING"
queue_dir = ./work/queue
## Directory of SNMP agent configuration
snmp_agent = ./snmp/snmpa_gateway_0/LEO-GATEWAY

Attach/Detach node into a Storage-cluster in operation

This section describes the process of adding and removing nodes in a LeoFS Storage cluster.

  • Adding a storage node:
    • The node can be added to the cluster once it is running. You can use the rebalance command to request a join from the Manager.
  • Removing a storage node:
    • The node can be removed from the cluster when it is either running or stopped. You can use the detach command to remove the node.
    • After that, you need to execute the rebalance command in the Manager to actually remove the node from the storage cluster.
../_images/leofs-order-of-attach.png ../_images/leofs-order-of-detach.png

LeoFS Gateway Access-log Format


LeoFS v1.0.0-pre3


LeoFS-Gateway is able to output access-log. If you would like to use this option, you can check and set LeoFS Gateway configuration.


Method  | Bucket| Path               |Child Num |  Size | Timestamp                             | Unixtime              | Response
[HEAD]   photo   photo/1              0          0       2013-10-18 13:28:56.148269 +0900        1381206536148320        500
[HEAD]   photo   photo/1              0          0       2013-10-18 13:28:56.465670 +0900        1381206536465735        404
[HEAD]   photo   photo/city/tokyo.png 0          0       2013-10-18 13:28:56.489234 +0900        1381206536489289        200
[GET]    photo   photo/1              0          1024    2013-10-18 13:28:56.518631 +0900        1381206536518693        500
[GET]    photo   photo/city/paris.png 0          2048    2013-10-18 13:28:56.550376 +0900        1381206536550444        404
[PUT]    logs    logs/leofs           1          5242880 2013-10-18 13:28:56.518631 +0900        1381206536518693        500
[PUT]    logs    logs/leofs           2          5242880 2013-10-18 13:28:56.518631 +0900        1381206536518693        500
[PUT]    logs    logs/leofs           3          5120    2013-10-18 13:28:56.518631 +0900        1381206536518693        500



The format of the access log is Tab Separated Values.

Column Number Description
2 Bucket
3 Filename (including path)
4 Child number of a file
5 File Size (byte)
6 Timestamp with timezone
7 Unixtime (including micro-second)
8 Response (HTTP Status Code)

LeoFS Storage Data Diagnosis log Format


LeoFS v1.1.5


LeoFS-Storage is able to diagnose the data. If you would like to use this option, you can check and set LeoFS Storage configuration.

Sample - List of files

Offset| RING's address-id                        | Filename                                                   | Child num | File Size  | Unixtime         | Localtime                |del?
194     296754181484029444656944009564610621293   photo/leo_redundant_manager/Makefile                             0       2034        1413348050768344   2014-10-15 13:40:50 +0900   0
2400    185993533055981727582172380494809056426   photo/leo_redundant_manager/ebin/leo_redundant_manager.beam      0       24396       1413348050869454   2014-10-15 13:40:50 +0900   0
38446   53208912738248114804281793572563205919    photo/leo_rpc/.git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD                      0       33          1413348057441546   2014-10-15 13:40:57 +0900   0
38658   57520977797167422772945547576980778561    photo/leo_rpc/ebin/leo_rpc_client_utils.beam                     0       2576        1413348057512261   2014-10-15 13:40:57 +0900   0
69506   187294034498591995039607573685274229706   photo/leo_backend_db/src/leo_backend_db_server.erl               0       13911       1413348068031188   2014-10-15 13:41:08 +0900   0
83603   316467020376888598364250682951088839795   photo/leo_backend_db/test/leo_backend_db_api_prop.erl            0       3507        1413348068052219   2014-10-15 13:41:08 +0900   1

Format - List of files


The format of the data diagnosis log is Tab Separated Values.

Column Number Description
1 Offset of the AVS-file
2 RING’s address id (routing-table)
3 Filename
4 Child number of a file
5 File Size (byte)
6 Timestamp - unixtime
7 Timestamp - localtime
8 Removed file?

Sample - Report of a data diagnosis / data compaction

{avs_ver,<<"LeoFS AVS-2.4">>}.
{start_datetime,"2014-10-15 14:21:31 +0900"}.
{end_datetime,"2014-10-15 14:21:31 +0900"}.

Format - Report of a data diagnosis / data compaction


The format of the data diagnosis/compaction report is Erlang Term.

Element Description
file_path AVS-file path
avs_ver AVS-file version
num_of_active_obj Number of active objects
size_of_active_obj Summary of size of active objects
total_num_of_objs Total number of objects
total_size_of_objs Total size of objects
start_datetime Data diagnosis/compaciton start datetime
end_datetime Data diagnosis/compaciton end datetime
duration Data diagnosis/compaciton duration time(second)
errors Errors
result Result of data diagnosis/compaciton: [success|failure]

Diagnosis Log Dir


The data diagnosis log is assigned at LeoFS Storage’s data directory - LeoFS Storage configuration.

|-- [ 102 Oct 15 14:00]  leo_object_storage_0 -> /home/leofs/dev/leofs-1.1.5/package/leo_storage_0/avs/log/leo_object_storage_0.20141015.14.2
|-- [1.3K Oct 15 13:53]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.13.1
|-- [1.3K Oct 15 13:56]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.13.2
|-- [1.3K Oct 15 13:58]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.13.3
|-- [1.3K Oct 15 14:00]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.13.4
|-- [1.3K Oct 15 14:00]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.14.1
|-- [   0 Oct 15 14:00]  leo_object_storage_0.20141015.14.2
|-- [ 376 Oct 15 13:45]
|-- [ 374 Oct 15 13:50]
|-- [ 362 Oct 15 13:53]
|-- [ 362 Oct 15 13:56]
|-- [ 362 Oct 15 13:58]
|-- [ 362 Oct 15 14:00]
|-- [ 362 Oct 15 14:00]

Diagnosis Log Files

Log File Description
leo_object_storage_<avs-num>.<date>.<hour>.<seq> List of files
leo_object_storage_<avs-num>.report.<timestamp> Report of a data diagnosis

Recover a storage-node


LeoFS v1.0.0


Since disk(s) of a node collapsed, you’re able to recover the disk(s) with LeoFS recover-command.


Suspend and Stop the storage-node

  • Suspend a target node with the suspend-command with leofs-adm command
  • Stop the node with $ path/to/leo_storage/bin/leo_storage stop
  • Confirm the cluster status with the status-command with leofs-adm command. You need to check the node whether state of which is suspend or not.
  • Change the disk(s) (rebuild the array when using RAID) and the configuration of the target node

Restart the node and Execute recover-node-command

  • Restart the node with $ path/to/leo_storage/bin/leo_storage start
  • Resume a target node with the resume-command with leofs-adm command
  • Execute the recover-node-command with leofs-adm command
    • Like this: $ leofs-adm recover-node <target-node>
  • Also, you’re able to check the progress of the recover with the mq-stats-command with leofs-adm command
    • Like this (exclude the target node):
      • $ leofs-adm mq-stats <storage-node-1>
      • ...
      • $ leofs-adm mq-stats <storage-node-N>