Quick Start: All in one in a local node


This section is a step by step guide to setting up LeoFS for the first time. By following this tutorial you can easily build a stand-alone LeoFS system.


In this section, LeoFS Storage, LeoFS Gateway and LeoFS Manager are all installed on a single system, with no clustering.


Install LeoFS on CentOS-6.x

$ wget https://leo-project.net/leofs/packages/rpm/x86_64/leofs-{VERSION}.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo rpm -ivh leofs-{VERSION}.x86_64.rpm
$ ls -l /usr/local/leofs/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root   4096 Jun 20 15:37 {VERSION}
$ chown -R {USER}:{GROUP} /usr/local/leofs/{VERSION}

Install LeoFS on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS or Higher

$ wget https://leo-project.net/leofs/packages/ubuntu/x86_64/leofs_{VERSION}_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i leofs_{VERSION}_amd64.deb
$ ls -l /usr/local/leofs/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root   4096 Jun 20 15:37 {VERSION}
$ chown -R {USER}:{GROUP} /usr/local/leofs/{VERSION}


Modify “/etc/hosts”

  • Add a domain for the LeoFS bucket in /etc/hosts
  • Bucket names must follow these rules
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

## Replace {BUCKET_NAME} with the name of the bucket ## localhost {BUCKET_NAME}.localhost

Launch LeoFS’ managers and storage

  • By default there is only one replica, you may want to configure the system.
  • Start master-manager, slave-manager
  • Start a storage node
$ cd /usr/local/leofs/{VERSION}
$ leo_manager_0/bin/leo_manager start
$ leo_manager_1/bin/leo_manager start
$ leo_storage/bin/leo_storage start

Start the system

  • Use the command start in the LeoFS manager console
$ leofs-adm start

Start a LeoFS Gateway node

$ leo_gateway/bin/leo_gateway start

Confirm that the system is running

  • Use the command status in the LeoFS manager console
$ leofs-adm status
[System config]
                System version : 1.0.0
                    Cluster Id : leofs_1
                         DC Id : dc_1
                Total replicas : 1
           # of successes of R : 1
           # of successes of W : 1
           # of successes of D : 1
 # of DC-awareness replicas    : 0
                     ring size : 2^128
             Current ring hash : 8cd79c31
                Prev ring hash : 8cd79c31
[Multi DC replication settings]
         max # of joinable DCs : 2
            # of replicas a DC : 1

[Node(s) state]
 type  |           node           |    state     |  current ring  |   prev ring    |          updated at
  S    | [email protected]      | running      | 8cd79c31       | 8cd79c31       | 2014-04-03 11:28:20 +0900
  G    | [email protected]      | running      | 8cd79c31       | 8cd79c31       | 2014-04-03 11:28:21 +0900

Get your S3 API Key from the LeoFS manager console

  • Use the command create-user in the LeoFS manager console
  • It takes the user name as its only argument
$ leofs-adm create-user <your_name>
access-key-id: 05dcba94333c7590a635
secret-access-key: c776574f3661579ceb91aa8788dfcac733b21b3a


Using LeoFS

  • Use the command add-bucket in the LeoFS manager console
  • It takes the bucket name and access-key-id got in the previous section as its arguments
$ leofs-adm add-bucket <bucket> <access-key-id>
  • Insert some data into LeoFS by using any S3 client as mentioned above
  • You can now get the data stored in LeoFS
$ curl https://localhost:8080/your_bucket_name/path/to/file


From version 0.16.0, you need to set ACL settings of your bucket to public-read by using the command update-acl if you want to get the data stored in LeoFS via web browser.

Wrap up

You now know how to setup a stand-alone LeoFS system. Make sure to have a look at Quick Start -2 Cluster to learn how to setup a LeoFS cluster.